
UCL Scholarship Newsletter

June 17, 2018
by UCL
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Almost 150 students from the University of Liberia UL), African Methodist Episcopal University (AMEU), Stella Maris Polytechnic and other institutions of higher learning attended the first University Consortium for Liberia (UCL) Scholarship Workshop held at the UL Fendell Campus on May 22, 2018. The UCL was first established in 2009 in collaboration with Dr. Emmet Dennis, President of the University of Liberia and Cynthia Blandford, Honorary Consul General Republic of Liberia in Georgia.  UCL became a non-profit organization in 2015 and has 16 Institutional Partners. The UCL Scholarship is open to Liberian students and/or students of Liberian descent pursuing a post-secondary education at U.S. College or University.

UCL group photo

Group Photo with Workshop Participants

Two members of the UCL Board facilitated an information packed workshop to inform, educate and provide information on scholarships to Liberian students including Cynthia Blandford, Honorary Consul General Republic of Liberia, and President and Board Chair of the UCL along with Saki Golafale, UCL Treasurer, and UCL recipient pursuing a PhD. In chemistry at Clark Atlanta University.  Matilda Arhin, President of the Ghana International Chamber of Commerce, USA, and Consultant to the UCL, also presented 25 additional scholarship offerings to the students.  The UL host for the occasion was Dr. Mamawa Freeman-Moore, Director of the Honors Program at UL, representing Dr. Ophelia Weeks, President of UL.  Dr. Joseph Isaac, President of AMEU and UCL Institutional Partner, brought the welcome and greetings to students and faculty.

The purpose of the UCL Scholarship Workshop was to give an overview of the UCL Scholarship Guidelines and Application, review other U.S. Scholarship opportunities and to discuss the F1 Visa.  A lively discussion took place as students had questions regarding the 16 UCL partners institutions in the U.S. and challenges with the F1 visa. The UCL Scholarship Deadline has been extended until July 31, 2018. At the conclusion of the Workshop, the UCL Board presented Chemistry books, the Periodical Table and other educational materials to the UL Science Lab.

The UCL Delegation also attended the Ministry of Education 2018 National Education Summit in Kakata City, Margibi County. President George Manneh Weah officially launched the 2018-2028 plan at the Booker Washington Institute which carved out four main focal points; “curricular amendments, teacher development, school management and equipped infrastructure.  According to sources, the summit brought together over 300 education specialists, policymakers, parents, business and community leaders, teachers as well as others with interest in seeing Liberia’s education system succeed.

UCL delegation meets Minister of Education, Prof. Ansu Sonii

UCL delegation meets Minister of Education, Prof. Ansu Sonii

As a follow-on, the UCL Delegation also had the opportunity to meet with the Minister of Education Professor Ansu D. Sonii, Sr. and to hear his vision one-on-one in his office.  The UCL President, Madame  Blandford, extended an invitation to Minister Sonii to be the guest speaker at the UCL Annual Scholarship event which will be held at Georgia State University later this year.

For more information on the UCL, Educational Scholarships and the F1 visa, please contact the UCL office at 404-565-1154 or at Download UCL Scholarship Workshop Newsletter 2018

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University Consortium for Liberia scholarship deadline extended to July 31st

March 22, 2018
by UCL
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University Consortium for Liberia scholarship deadline extended to July 31st

UCL Application 2018

UCL Application Guidelines 2018

The University Consortium for Liberia (UCL) was established in 2015 by the UCL Board of Directors.  The scholarship program is open to Liberian students and/or students of Liberian descent pursuing a post-secondary education at a U.S. College or University.  Priority will be given to students applying to a UCL college/university  considered Institutional Partners.

The UCL Scholarship for Experiential Learning, Study Abroad, Faculty and Student Exchange programs will be announced at a later date, pursuant to funding availability.


 *Download Application and Submit Completed Form to UCLSCHOLARSHIP@GMAIL.COM

Download Guidelines


Applicants must meet the criteria below:

Higher Education

  • The applicant is applying to or has been accepted into an academic program of study pursuing an undergraduate, graduate or Ph.D. program
  • Student must be Liberian or of Liberian decent
  • Applicant must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and submit an Academic Transcript
  • Field of Study: Any Field of Study
  • Complete the UCL Scholarship Application
  • Provide 2 letters of Recommendation from any of the following: College Professor, Community Member/Faith Leader, or Current/Former Employer or Government Leader.  (The writer of your letter(s) of recommendation should address Leadership Abilities and Potential) Letters of Recommendation should be e-mailed to the scholarship address with their name, contact info, and academic institution. The subject line should be ‘Student Name’ Reference Letter.
  • Scholarship recipients who received a scholarship in the previous year, can apply annually.
  • Copy of Passport must accompany application for international students and a copy of the F1 visa must accompany the application.


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Dr. Tolbert Nyenswah Discusses the National Public Health Institute of Liberia

September 20, 2017
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1. What relationship does your organization have with Liberia or the UCL?

The National Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health has a mission to prevent and control public health threats by promoting healthy outcomes while serving as a source of knowledge and expertise. As the center of excellence for better health outcomes for Liberians through a strong health system, the Institute aims to strengthen existing infection prevention and control efforts, laboratories, surveillance, infectious disease control, public health capacity building, response to outbreaks, and monitor diseases with epidemic potential. NPHIL relation with the University of Liberia and other institutions of highest learning in Liberia is paramount. NPHIL is partnering with the University of Liberia addressing national public health needs through the development of a Master in Public Health (MPH) degree programs.

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University of Liberia and University of Georgia Sign New MOU

September 19, 2017
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Last month, The UCL brought the University of Liberia(UL) and the University of Georgia (UGA) together to further partnership discussions. During the August meeting, UL President Ophelia Weeks and UGA Assistant Dean and Director of the Global Programs in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Dr. Amrit Bart each represented their institution. The two discussed partnership with a specific focus on Agribusiness.

Both parties came to an agreement, which was completed and signed on August 7, 2017. Click Here to read the MOU between UL and UGA.


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Meet Our 2017 UCL Scholars: Randolph Glee

September 19, 2017
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cau logo

Randolph Glee

Name: Randolph Glee (Ph.D. Candidate)

School: Clark Atlanta University

Major/ Concentration: Social Work policy/Administration

Degree level: Ph.D.

1.Why do you choose your major / concentration?

I chose Social Work because my country (Liberia) has suffered many years of civil conflicts. As a result of these conflicts, the academic, social and political fibers have been broken. To gain our post war status or get on path with other nations we need professional social workers, who will get into the communities to work with community dwellers on community projects. Moreover, Liberia needs professional social workers who will conduct evidence based research and present findings to parliament for better policy to help the vulnerable populations (elderly, Children, women, orphans, homeless, and disable).

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