
Connect Liberia: Winning In Education During COVID-19 [WEBINAR]

December 16, 2020
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In collaboration with the University Consortium for Liberia (UCL) and the Liberian Consulate in Georgia, that we are hosting the second CONNECT LIBERIA Africa Webinar Series “Winning in Education During COVID-19”, Liberia’s e-Learning Transformation and Liberian Student Success Stories Panel Discussions, on Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 11:00 AM (EST) & 4:00 PM (Monrovia).  

The Host for the event is Honorable Cynthia L. Blandford, President and Board Chair, University Consortium for Liberia (UCL) and Honorary Consul Republic of Liberia, Georgia. Moderators include Dr. Cheryl Davenport Dozier, President Emeritus, Savannah State University and UCL Board Member along with Dr. Saki  T. Golafale, Assistant Professor Chemistry, Kennesaw State University and UCL Board Member and Scholar.   

The goal of this CONNECT LIBERIA Africa Webinar is to identify new and innovative ways to collaborate and identify how the UCL and the broader community can help buttress Liberia’s efforts for enhanced and improved teaching and learning in the current and post-COVID-19 environment through e-Learning and other technology transfer strategies. 

The High-Panel e-Learning guests include:

  • Reverend Dr. Julius S. Nelson, Jr., President, University of Liberia
  • Dr. George T. French, Jr., President, Clark Atlanta University
  • Dr. Susan Ogletree, Director, Center for Evaluation and Research Services, Georgia State University
  • Dr. Michael L. Best, Professor, Sam Nunn School of International Affairs and School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech
  • Dr. Layli Maparyan, Executive Director, Wellesley Center for Women
In addition, H.E. Professor Ansu D.  Sonii, Sr., Minister of Education, Republic of Liberia has been invited to deliver the Keynote Address on e-Learning in Liberia. H.E. George S.W. Patten, Sr., Liberia’s Ambassador to USA, Embassy Republic of Liberia, Washington, D.C., will bring Special Remarks. UCL Scholars from the various educational institutions will also join us for a UCL Student Success Panel to discuss their success stories, their journey and to find out “Where Are They Now!”
Please join us for this informative session!
DATE: Wednesday, December 9, 2020
TIME: 11:00 AM (EST) & 4:00 PM (Monrovia)
COST: Free with registration
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